About Python language | Why Python?
Perhaps you have been advised to use Python for a programming task by someone? You already know a high-level programming language, so why should you learn Python? How valuable would it be to learn a set of another syntax?
Before learning any programming language, knowing the reason for the new language is a good start. We already have other languages to develop a computer program, C for Functional, C++, JAVA for Object Oriented, PHP, and NodeJs for Scripting.
But still, Python gained so much popularity in a short time. In this tutorial, we will learn about the Python programming language and a broad level of comparison with other languages.
Python and other programming languages?
Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language that has easy-to-understand syntax. Like other languages, a program can be written structurally as well as in an object-oriented manner. Because of lesser syntax, the program’s size is lesser than the other programming languages such as Java or C++.
The most powerful thing in Python is that it uses already-developed modules in the form of libraries. The libraries implement complex and time-consuming functionalities.
A programmer imports the libraries and starts developing application logic. One example is web server development. You can create a WebServer in fewer lines using an already-written HTTP module.
Is Python newer than others?
You might not have heard about Python in your school or college, but you heard about Java. Is that mean Java is older than Python? Many people think so, but this is not the case.
Java came into existence in 1995, while Python was since 1989. Developers start using Java mainly for enterprise software development. Its platform-independent and inbuild support of strong libraries makes it the first choice for programming.
But why did we start hearing so much about Phyton? Because areas like machine learning, data science, etc., become critical domains with time. People who work in these fields do not have a programming background, as they are involved mainly in scientific research. So they need a language that is easy to learn and has already built libraries for complex algorithms. Here the Python comes.
What are the reasons for using Python?
High-Level Language: Similar to any other high-level programming language, it reduces the complexities for the developer. Like in C or C++, a programmer must keep track of memory management. This is a complex task, and a program may crash because of a memory leak or memory mismanagement.
In Python, the memory management is done by the Python platform itself, so you can focus on programming logic and leave worries.
Having a large and open community:
Easy to learn: The language is easy to understand. Python provides easy-to-use syntax. Even people not familiar with programming can also use Python to automate tasks.
Cross-Platform: The same application code can run on any platform, e.g., Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. Python software is available on all platforms. They all take the same code and convert it to machine-specific instructions. It resembles with the Java Virtual Machine(JVM), where the same compiled Java code (byte codes) can execute on different platforms.
For what can we use Python?
We can use it for developing essential programs and more complex software solutions. Here is a listing of Software we can develop using Python.
- Web Programming.
- GUI development
- Automation
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Scripting
- Network Programming
- Games
- Mobile Applications
Python is not a replacement for any other programming language. But it is potent and easy to learn for many applications.
Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:43:08) [MSC v.1926 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> 3+ 5
>>> print("Hello World")
Hello World