What is Hybrid Topology in computer networks?

The network topology is a logical and physical arrangement of connected network devices. There are five basic types of network topologies we have described.

Hybrid Network Topology

As the name suggests, the hybrid topology combines one or more basic network topologies. While planning for a hybrid topology, we must select a topology for the backbone to connect sub-networks. Each sub-network has its network topologies, which could be the same or different.

The mainly used backbone topology is the bus topology. In this tutorial, we will discuss the details of the hybrid network topology. Possibly will cover the network sub-network of each type.

What is a hybrid topology example in real life?

The hybrid topology comes into the picture where various independent segments connect to each other. For example, you may have multiple departments in an office on each floor when all departments need to be connected. A backbone will be created, and then each sub-network will have a link to the backbone. This section will cover various examples of hybrid topology.

Bus and star hybrid topology example:

Bus and star hybrid topology example

With the help of the diagram, we can explain the hybrid topology with star and bus types. The two-star topology subnetworks connect to each other over a bus network. Each star network has a switch connecting to the subnetwork computers. Each subnetwork connects to the other sub-network with the link between the bus and switch or hub.

Advantages of hybrid topology:

There are many advantages of the hybrid network topology type. Here we are listing them.

  • Hybridge topology gives the flexibility to join various types of independent networks.
  • It is cost-effective, as each network can be developed based in a cost-effective manner. E.g., If a subnetwork needs a few machines, we can use a bus topology rater, spending more money on purchasing a costly router or switch.
  • Easy to scale computer networks using existing various types of subnetworks.
  • It can take advantage of each type of network topology feature.

Disadvantages of hybrid topology:

Like any other thing, the hybrid topology also comes with some disadvantages. Following is the list.

  • Single point of failure. If the backbone fails, all communication stops.
  • Various types of devices are involved, so sometimes, creating an intentional hybrid topology network is expensive.
  • More complexity. A mix of types of items and networks creates complications in the network.