ip address classes

What are the IP address classes?

The IP address classes are the classification or grouping of IP addresses. Each IP address class has a network part and a host part. The network part decides how much network is possible with a type of IP address class, and the host part decides how many hosts each network can have.

Initially, the purpose was to allocate the correct IP addresses to enable the use of a required number of hosts. For example, if an organization has a fewer number of hosts, then the IP address class with a lesser number of hosts will be suitable. A class with more hosts will be suitable for a more significant number of hosts.

There can be a total of five types of IP address classes. The class of an IP address can be identified from the first byte. Following describing IP address classes for each type.

IP address classes description 

First OctetClass Subnet MaskDescription
0 to 127      A8 bitsThe first 8 bits represent the
Network Part for Class A IP address.
128 to 191      B16 bitsThe first 24 bits represent the
Network Part for Class B IP address.
192 to 223      C24 bitsThe first 24 bits represent the
Network Part for Class C IP address.
224 to 239      DNAClass D is multicasting
240 to 255       ENAReserved

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