Python Operators – Explained all types with examples.

An operator is a special symbol that operates over variables, values, and other types, named operands. On successful execution, it produces an outcome.

For example, + is an arithmetic addition operator that applies to two operands, resulting in the sum of two values. In this tutorial, you will learn all operators in Python with examples.

What are all types of operators in Python?

  • Arithmetic Operators ( +, -, *, etc.) – For basic mathematical operations, add, subtract, etc.
  • Relational Operators (>, <, ==, etc.) – For comparing values.
  • Logical Operators (and, or, etc.) –
  • Assignment Operators ( =, +=, etc) –
  • Bitwise operators (|, & etc.) –
  • Identity Operator –
  • Membership Operator.

What Arithmetic Operators Do?

They are used for basic mathematical functionality, such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, etc. The following table list all arithmetic operators.

Operator MeaningPython CodeOutput
+ , -, /, *, %, Works on two Operands
+ Adds two numbers
– Subtract two numbers
/ Divides one number from another
* Multiply two numbers
% Modulus operator returns the remainder on division.
x = 5;
y = 2;

print(x + y);
//, ** // Floor division – Returns the smallest integer of the result.
** Exponential, One operand is the power of another
x = 5;
y = 2;
Tables for Arithmetic Operators in Python

Relational Operators – For comparing two operands.

Using a relation operator, you can compare two values. The result is a boolean value, either True or False. The following table lists all comparison operators in Python.

Relation OperatorsMeaningCodeOutput
>, < , ==, != , >=, <= >, more than
<, less than
== , equal
!= , not equal
>=, more than or equal
<=, less than or equal
x = 5;
y = 2;

print(x > y);
print(x < y);
print(x == y);
print(x != y);
print(x <= y);

print(x >= y);
Relation Operators in Python

Assignment Operators – Update or Initialize the content of a variable.

With assignment operators, you can set the value of a variable. Works on two (left and right) operands. The left side is a variable, and the right side could be an expression, a constant, or another variable. Following is the list of all assignment operators in Python.

Assignment OperatorsDescriptionPython ExampleOutput
= Assigns a value from left to rightX = 5;
Y = X;
Z = X + 2;
+=, -= etc.We can also use an assignment operator with another operator. The x += y, expends x = x + y;X = 5;
Y = 2;
Y += X;
Z = X + 2;
Assignment Operators

Bitwise operators – Works at the bit level.

A bit operator works on an individual bit level. For example, when we do a bitwise OR of two variables, each bit at the same positions from each variable is ORRED, and the resulting bit is returned. Below is the list of all bitwise operators.

Bitwise OperatorsDescriptionCode exampleOutput
&, |, >>, >>& End,
| Or,
>> Right Shift,
<< Left Shift
X = 5;
Y = 9 ;
print (" X is {0:b}".format(X));
print (" Y is {0:b}".format(Y));
print (" X&Y is {0:b}".format(X&Y));
print (" X|Y is {0:b}".format(X | Y));
print (" X >> 1 is {0:b}".format(X >> 1));
print (" Y << 1 is {0:b}".format(Y << 1));
X is 101
Y is 1001
X&Y is 1
X|Y is 1101
X >> 1 is 10
Y << 1 is 10010
^, ~^ Bitwise XOR, ~Bitwaise NotX = 5;
Y = 9 ;
print (" X is {0:b}".format(X));
print (" Y is {0:b}".format(Y));
print (" X^Y is {0:b}".format(X^Y));
print (" ~Y is {0:b}".format(~Y));
X is 101
Y is 1001
X^Y is 1100
~Y is -1010
Bitwise Operators Table

Logical Operators – Operands values are Ored, ends, or not.

Logical OperatorsDescription Example CodeOutput
and, or, not and/or operator works on two Operands (e.g., X and Y).
and, Returns true if both the operands are true (not zero).
or, Returns true if any of the operands is true (not zero).
not work on a single operand, it
returns the complement of an operand.
X = 5;
Y = 9 ;
Z = True;
M = False;
print (" X and Y is" , X and Y);
print (" X and Z is" , X and Z);
print (" X and M is" , X and M);
print (" X or Y is" , X or Y);
print (" X or Z is" , X or Z);
print (" X or M is" , X or M);
print( "not X ", not X);
print( "not Y ", not Y);
print( "not M ", not M);
X and Y are 9
X and Z are True
X and M are False
X or Y is 5
X or Z is 5
X or M is 5
not X False
not Y False
not M True
Logical Operators Table

Identity and Membership Operators:

Identity operators are special operators. There are two identity operators, is and is not. With is-not, we compare the two memory locations. Following is an example.

X = 5;
Y = 6;
Z = 6;

print(X is not Y)
print(X is Z)
print(Y is Z)



Membership Operators – To check whether a value belongs to a sequence.

in and not in are the two membership operators to find the presence of a value in the sequence, e.g., string, tuple, dictionary, etc.
in – Returns true if a value is present.
not in – Returns True if a value is absent.

String = 'Hello Python';

print('P' in String);
print('K' not in String);
print('Z' in String);

